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General Information

What areas do you service?

Paws to Heaven, Water Pet Cremation is located in Brisbane and we service all of the Greater Brisbane Metro area. If you live further afield, please give us a call to discuss. Services beyond these areas can be completed via arrangement, although additional fees may apply.

Can you guarantee the remains I get back are my pet’s?

This is of the highest concern of all pet owners. The returning of yours and only your pet’s remains is something we take very seriously. We too are pet owners, and the returning of the correct remains is something we take very seriously. At check-out at the vet or from your home, your pet receives their own numbered tag and this tag remains with the pet from the moment they come into our possession and up to the moment they leave our premises to be returned home. Your loved one’s personal information is recorded in our register/database asap and the tag is checked upon arrival at the facility, prior to the water pet cremation beginning, before the ashes are placed in the urn, and before they leave our premises. Your loved one is given their own receptacle which is segregated by stainless steel partitions, in the actual water pet cremation process. This ensures the integrity of the remains. These bones are then individually processed (one pet at a time) to ensure you only receive your loved one’s ashes back. We guarantee, through our system, that you will receive yours and only your pet’s ashes back. Most times their microchip is also found, still works and is returned with your loved one.

If I don’t want my pet’s ashes returned, what will happen to them?

That’s OK – we’ll look after your loved one’s ashes for you, in a dignified manner. We will scatter them lovingly around our property/gardens, on your behalf.

Will you put my pet to sleep?

No, a vet will need to perform the euthanasia.  Once you have made a booking with your vet, you can book Paws to Heaven, Water Pet Cremation Brisbane, to collect your pet from either your home or the vet clinic.  Please let the vet know that Paws to Heaven will collect your pet.

Should you wish an in-home euthanasia, we work closely with many vets and should you require some assistance in finding a vet that can do in-home euthanasia then please give us a call.

If my pet is euthanised at the vets, can I choose where my pet is water cremated?

Always – the aftercare of your pet is totally your and your family’s decision. Let your vet know who’ll be caring for your pet and we will be happy to collect your pet from your veterinary practice.

Will I receive a momento of my pet?

With your permission, we’ll supply an inked paw print and lock of fur, from your loved one, with a memorial certificate, at no additional cost.

Can I supply my own urn?

Yes, if you have a preferred urn we’ll happily place your pet’s ashes in it instead of the standard scatter tube, urn or memorial box.

What do I do if my pet dies on the weekend or in the evening?

Give us a call and we will help you decide on the next step. This is a very difficult time and we are available for support 24 hours, 7 days a week.

The Water Pet Cremation Process

Is water Pet Cremation new?

Water Pet Cremation is a well-established technology and process that has been utilised for decades and has been adapted to the pet industry over a number of years. Water pet cremation is a widely used and safe method of tissue disposition for many educational and medical facilities. Whilst it is a relatively new concept in Australia, water pet cremation is used in countries all over the world including America, Great Britain, Canada and South Africa. The U.S. Government, UCLA, Duke University and MAYO Research Clinic are among those using the technology.

Water Pet Cremation – how long is the process?

The actual water cremation process is slow and gentle. It occurs over a number of hours depending on size of the animal (approx 8 hours). The process combines flowing water, warmth and alkalinity to mimic mother nature in the breakdown of tissue.

How does water pet cremation differ from fire cremation?

Fire cremation is an oxidative technique (or burning); water pet cremation is a reductive technique. Water pet cremation is environmentally friendly and pollution free. Water pet cremation actually mimics the natural decomposition that takes place when you are buried, but is an accelerated version.

What are some of the benefits to the environment from water pet cremation?

The water pet cremation process generates an EPA neutral solution of peptides, amino acids, soap and sugars and is sterile which allows for the safe release into the environment. Besides the process being completely non-toxic, water pet cremation only uses 1/20th of the energy, 1/10th the carbon footprint, is 100% mercury free, and reduces >90% of carbon dioxide emissions when compared to fire pet cremation. Environmental concern is a top priority for governments all over the world and the introduction of water pet cremation into the funeral industry will assist combat the pollution caused by crematoriums.

Are there any gasses emitted by water pet cremation?

In water pet cremation there are no air emissions, no methane gas is produced and no “organic matter” escapes from chimneys. 100% pollution free. There are no toxic emissions and no contribution to greenhouse gasses with water pet cremation, unlike fire pet cremation.

Can water pet cremation be used in other ways?

This process (alkaline hydrolysis) and machinery (for Tissue digesting) are and have been used all over the world by research laboratories and leading hospitals. It is the most effective way to reliably destroy toxins and infectious viruses. This technique and machinery were, in fact, used to control Mad Cow disease in Britain.

After the water pet cremation is complete are the ashes safe?

They are totally safe. In fact, they are 100% pathogen and disease free. The ashes are able to be handled safely.

Are the ashes produced by water pet cremation the same as fire pet cremation?

The ashes are similar to those of fire pet cremation but are whiter, larger in volume (up to 20% more ashes) and more finely textured. The process of water pet cremation preserves up to 20% more bone fragments than fire pet cremation. Water pet cremation leaves a pure white powder while fire pet cremation produces a greyish course material.

What are our pet’s bodies composed of?

Our pets (as is the same with humans) are 65% water. Water pet cremation reduces us to that elemental water.

Can a pet still be water cremated if they’ve had chemotherapy or surgery requiring plates or screws?

Water pet cremation destroys all pathogens i.e. Any chemotherapy or any drugs/toxins your pet has had would be rendered harmless. Any plates, screws, and/or micro-chips will remain after the water pet cremation process is completed and will not form part of the ashes.

The water remaining after water pet cremation - is it dangerous?

The remaining water is benign and beneficial. The water consists of an EPA neutral solution of amino acids, sugars, peptides, soaps and electrolytes that is suitable for release to a sanitary sewer or for use as a rich, organic fertiliser or as feedstock for biogas or biodiesel production.

The alkalis that are used in water pet cremation – are they environmentally safe?

Yes they are. Of the 100% of the solution used in the process, the alkalis make up only 5% of the solution – the other 95% is plain water. AND at the end of the cycle, the alkali has been completely used up.

Has alkaline hydrolysis technology been around for a while?

Alkaline hydrolysis, also now known as water cremation, is a new application of a well-established technology. This technology was patented in Great Britain in 1888.

What is the temperature of the water?

Temperature starts with cold water and increases to a warmth of approx 90 degrees (not boiling).

What is the PH of the water during the process?

The PH level increases to maximum of 13 and when cycle is complete the PH Level is around 11.5.  Citric acid or vinegar is added to the water to bring the PH down to around 9.5.

Contact Us – Paws to Heaven – Water Pet Cremation Brisbane

Mobile: 0478 103 318

We will always be here to answer your call, however for those that don’t feel up to a conversation just yet, please feel free to send an email or use our online contact form to ask any questions you may have about pet cremations.

Office Hours and Collection Times

Please call ahead to ensure someone is at the office to assist you with your requirements.  Our office hours are:

Monday to Friday:  9:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday:  9:00am to 1:00pm

We are available to take your call 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, however 

Collection services are limited to 7:00am to 7.00pm, 7 days per week.

Collection hours:

Monday – Sunday: 7:00am – 7.00pm

There is a $75 after-hours fee for any pick up that involves our staff being out after 5pm Monday to Friday, after 1.00pm Saturday and all day Sunday.

Service Areas

We are located in Brisbane, Queensland and our collection services cover all of greater Brisbane Metro.

If you live further afield, please give us a call to discuss. Services beyond these areas can be completed via arrangement although additional fees may apply.

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